Description: The Integration of Real time simulation on FPGA components or IRIS project is the joint effort of EPM laboratory
Identification: “Control Strategies of a DC Based Offshore Wind Farm With Series Connected Collection Grid” Aims: Propose control strategy for a
Power electronic converters on transmission system from fundamental considerations to practical applications Registration is closed 11 - 13 July 2022
Power electronic converters on transmission system from fundamental considerations to practical applicationsSummer School Thank you very much for your active
Identification: “Modular Multilevel Converter DC converter for HVDC grid” Aims: Develop Control laws for the M2DC ConverterDevelop a prototype of Modular
Identification: “Review and Simulation Islanding detection methods – Validation on a dedicated mock-up” Aims: Review of islanding detection methods used in
Identification:  “Multi-Terminal DC grid mock-up for off-shore energy production” Description:  Main Topic : control of MTDC gridsAims: DC voltage and AC
Identification:  “Energy and social optimization of a tertiary campus on the horizon 2020” Aims: Improve the Energy consumption ‘Management of The
October, 16th -17th, 2019   Thank you very much for your active participation! It is time to share all the materials workshop.
Identification:  “Dynamic Modelling of a multi-energy grid for the setting-up of a new district named  "Zac Saint Sauveur" in the city of Lille”