Identification: Work Package 3 – “Massive Integration Of Power Electronic Devices”
- To propose and develop novel control and management rules for a transmission grid to which 100 % converter-based devices are connected while keeping the costs under control;
- To check the viability of such new control and management rules within transmission grids to which some synchronous machines are connected;
- To infer a set of requirement guidelines for converter-based generating units (grid codes), as far as possible set at the connection point and technology-agnostic, which ease the implementation of the above control and management rules.
- Build a laboratory test bench to test the proposed control
Period: from 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2019
Sponsors: European Union
Context: Smart Transmission System, Power electronic converters
Main results:
- Development and verification of an innovative control strategy
- Stability analysis tools development
- Test control with a real time simulated power system using PHIL simulation
WP3 Demonstrator
- RTE,
- L2EP,
- ETHz,
- UCD,
- EirGrid,
- REE,
- Terna