The Electrical Power Management Lab (EPMLab) is a collaborative environment dedicated to innovative experimentations in the field of smart power system. This environment is articulated around a real-time simulator which is specifically used to emulate a power system behavior. It allows to address different kind of topics: smart-grid, Transmission system with large penetration of power electronic converters and also some Hardware tests based on PHIL principle. It includes various production units, storage systems, power electronic based connection interfaces or loads like a MMC, back-to-back grid connected power electronic converters, a photovoltaic power plant (18 kW), a cogeneration system, super capacitors as well as static or dynamic emulation devices of different kinds.


Last articles

Summer School – 10-13 Jul. 2023

Power electronic converters on transmission system from fundamental considerations to practical applicationsSummer School Thank you very much for your active participation! All the materials (presentations, Videos and Pictures) are now online, you can have them Read more…

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